the lovely gents from Spartak i’ve known for ages, they do good stuff. we finally found the time to do something together and it’s found its place with their recent e.p for Feral Media (an ace Oz label) the clips genesis and content came about through a discovery of the AMSR youtube channels. which are quite amazing as it is. anyways, the link below is the clip.
About Me
Scott Morrison is a sound and video artist based in Sydney, Australia. His practice encompasses live performance, gallery installation and festival screenings that have focused towards the synergistic properties of the moving image. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions nation-wide and his audiovisual works have screened extensively nationally and abroad. His primary research and output has fallen under the title of “ballad(s) for quiet horizons”. This body of work details and further develops the artist’s appreciation of Australia’s rural landscape. It is an exploration and abstraction of natural occurrence, rhythmic meditations of place and how familiar experience(s) can be re-interpreted, re-imagined and rendered anew.